It’s no secret. Worker productivity at our jobs is better when we’re well rested and maintain a healthy diet. But possession of this knowledge and application of knowledge are two different beasts, and so often we tend to neglect these good habits.
At Aries Residence Suites, keeping our tenants well-fed and well-rested is the top priority in our workforce housing camp management strategy. We know about the impact that those two factors can have on worker productivity, safety, and most importantly, on their happiness.
First, let’s focus on the effects of a poor diet. Diets that are oversaturated with processed foods, sodium, refined sugars, and empty carbohydrates have negative effects not only on your body, but your mind as well. High intake of these foods actually leads to inflammation in the brain, which can be linked to mood disorders like depression, anxiety, and stress.
To quote from Healthline.com, poor dietary habits can lead to:
- Fatigue
- Decreased Mental Effectiveness
- Irritability
- Low energy levels
- Reduced ability to think clearly
- Higher levels of stress and depression
- Decreased productivity
So, what are steps to take to remedy this? A diet high in vegetables, fruits, unprocessed grains, and lean proteins like fish, chicken, and eggs, and low in processed foods (Oreos, Chips, and a Big Mac are all heavy processed foods) can reduce inflammation in the body, increase the amount of serotonin (the feel good chemical in your brain) and promote healthy growth and a strong mind. Also keep your hydration in mind! The recommended amount of water you should drink a day is between 1.5 and 2L, depending on your body and activity levels.
Now let’s talk sleep. When was the last time you got less than 7 hours of sleep? Do you remember the deep haze that follows you throughout the day when you don’t get enough? Many people think that, while trying to reach higher levels of productivity, it’s acceptable to forgo sleep to accomplish your goals.
The Harvard Business Review could not disagree more. In fact, they are adamant that any amount of productivity accomplished while forgoing sleep is in fact counter-intuitive, as the quality of the work you do is severely reduced. And according to the above article, “insufficient sleep… deeply impairs our ability to consolidate and stabilize learning that occurs during the waking day. In other words, it wreaks havoc on our memory.” And the worst part is, 1/3 of adults are getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night.
So, we know what this means on the individual level. But how does this effect worker productivity in America? According to TheSleepDoctor.com, “the financial costs of poor and insufficient sleep are staggering. Sleep problems cost many tens of billions of dollars each year to the U.S. economy. These costs accrue in several ways: missed work days, reduced productivity, higher rates of accident and injury, and greater reliance on health-care services—more doctor and hospital visits, higher prescription and over-the-counter sleep and other medication use.”
Furthermore, sleep deprivation impairs cognitive and motor functions more than consumption of alcohol does comparatively. This of course, directly correlates to higher levels of workplace accidents, as well as motor accidents. Sleep is a crucial, and yet woefully overlooked, aspect of our mental and physical health!
To Aries Residence Suites, the most important part of business is making sure your employees are healthy and happy. So, encourage them to practice healthy diet and sleep habits, and you will reap the rewards of a satisfied and productive workforce!